How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter? A Comprehensive Guide

Air filters are essential for keeping your home's air clean and healthy, but how often should you change them? It depends on the type of filter you have and the conditions in your home. Fiberglass air filters are the more affordable option, but they are less efficient at capturing dust and particles from the air. Generally, they need to be changed every 30 days or less. If you find yourself vacuuming or sweeping more often than usual, it may be time to replace your air filter.

If you live alone, don't have pets, and the surrounding outdoor air is of good quality, then the manufacturer's recommendations for changing the filter should be sufficient. If you don't change your air filter regularly, it can even shorten the life of your boiler or air conditioner. So it's important to include air filter replacement in your list of common household maintenance tasks. During certain months, pollutants in your home may increase, but the air filter won't catch them. This can lead to a malfunction of your air conditioning system.

In summer, you'll likely need to use the filter every day due to the increased amount of particles and allergens in the air. For fiberglass air filters, it is recommended to replace them approximately every 20 days. For pleated air filters, replace them approximately every 60 days if you have one or more pets. To ensure that only clean air comes out of your air conditioning system, replace the filter before it clogs so you can breathe better. In smaller homes, the air conditioning system has to move less air, which may mean replacing air filters less frequently. In general, air filters with a MERV rating equal to or lower than 16 are designed for residential, commercial, and institutional air conditioning systems.

After a renovation project such as drywall installation, pieces of drywall, dirt, and dust may accumulate in the air ducts, restricting air flow through the air filters. The HVAC air filter helps keep indoor air clean by trapping particles of mold, pollen, and other contaminants that move through the system. As a general rule, lower home occupancy extends the life of the filter while higher occupancy reduces it. Air filters help clean the air in a heating and air conditioning system by removing unwanted debris. To keep your home's air clean and healthy, make sure to replace your filter regularly according to manufacturer's instructions. In addition to following manufacturer's instructions for changing your air filter, there are other steps you can take to ensure that your home's indoor air quality is as healthy as possible. Regularly vacuum carpets and furniture to remove dust and other allergens that can accumulate over time.

Make sure that any vents or ducts in your home are properly sealed so that no outside contaminants can enter. And if you have pets, consider investing in an air purifier to help reduce pet dander and other allergens in your home. By following these simple steps and replacing your air filter regularly according to manufacturer's instructions, you can ensure that your home's indoor air quality is as healthy as possible.

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